v1.1.1 Updates

So I was reviewing my previous devLog and noticed something terribly wrong...

Inside the GameMenu class' Start() function, I had added the following:

private void Start()      
    playerOnePelletsConsumed = 0;              
    playerOnePelletsConsumed = 0;               

I'm sure you can already see the problem. It's a bit embarrassing that I did not. Obviously, we don't only want to reset player one's consumed pellet count. We need to reset them both. So, in this update there is but one, very minor change:

private void Start()      
    playerOnePelletsConsumed = 0;              
    playerTwoPelletsConsumed = 0;               

I suppose that's not technically the only change. I also added a custom icon to the start file. It's Pac-Man.




PacMan v1.1.1.zip 26 MB
Apr 23, 2022

Get Pac-Man

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